[Weekly Challenge] Ibu Kota Negara (Mangcrack)
Points: 8
Author: dwisiswant0
Dibutuhkan kata sandi untuk melakukan simulasi tata ibu kota.
Steps to Resolve
We need to crack the program so that it matches up with vars.Password
(main.go:39) from the skill-issue.org/ibu-kota-negara/pkg/vars
package. This should be done following the ^[a-z]+$
pattern that’s given as a hint. This pattern implies that the password should only contain lowercase letters.
- Download
common password list. - Execute the following command:
$ grep -Po "^[a-z]+$" /path/to/rockyou.txt | xargs -I % sh -c 'printf % | /path/to/ibu-kota-negara 2>/dev/null' | grep flag
Masukin passwordnya dulu: goks! ywdh nih flagnya: 1buK07a-Ne9@ra .|
The flag is returned.
But by doing so, we won’t know what the right password is and the cracking process will take longer. You can use the following Bash script instead to print the password for when the program shows the flag, and execute it with threading.
function crack() {
local passwd="${1}"
local cmd="/path/to/ibu-kota-negara <<< '${passwd}' 2>/dev/null"
local out=$(eval "${cmd}")
local flag=$(grep -o "flag.*" <<< "${out}")
[[ "${flag}" != "" ]] && echo "Password: ${passwd} | ${flag}"
grep -Po "^[a-z]+$" /path/to/rockyou.txt | while read -r line; do
crack "${line}" &
[[ "${COUNT}" -eq "${THREAD}" ]] && { wait; COUNT=0; } || ((COUNT++))
- Execute the script:
$ bash crack.sh
Password: simcity | flagnya: 1buK07a-Ne9@ra
The flag is returned by using what password.