[Weekly Challenge] death bed
Points: 9
Author: offsex
Written by: hittersec
Co-author & editor: dwisiswant0
A cup of warmth, the soul gently wakes.
Steps to Resolve
This week’s OSINT challenge involved analyzing an image to uncover hidden clues using public information. The image immediately drew attention to two identical buildings, which could help identify the photographer’s location.
Google Lens was used to search for these buildings, revealing them as “Tower B Apartments at Sunter Park View”.
To confirm the findings, Google Maps was checked, successfully matching the structures to those in the image.
From there, it was estimated that the photo was taken from the left side of the building.
Google Earth was then employed to pinpoint the exact location of the photographer by analyzing objects within the photo.
Finally, a search of nearby places on Google Maps uncovered the flag hidden in the review section of a nearby café called “Kopi Astra (Kopi Satu Hati)”:
tempatnya cozy abis, cocok banget buat nongkrong atau ngerjain tugas. Desainnya minimalis, tapi tetep adem. Kopinya enak 𝐬𝐢h, gue coba yang es kopi susu mereka, creamy dan nggak terlalu m𝐚𝐧𝐢s, pas! Harganya juga ramah 𝐝i kantong, cocok buat kantong anak kuliahan atau yang pengen ngopi tiap hari.
Yang paling keren, staff-nya ramah-ramah, service-nya cepet. Plus, ada 𝟒 colokan, WiFi kenceng. Jadi nggak bakal mati gaya deh kalau pengen chill sambil kerja. Oh iya, ada cemilan juga, gue coba croissant-nya, crispy di luar, lem𝐛𝐮t di dalam.
Minusnya, 𝐤𝐚dang kalau lagi rame, tempatnya agak sempit. Tapi overall sih rekomen banget buat kalia𝐧 yang nyari tempat ngopi santai. Bakal balik lagi kesini deh!?
The bold letters in the review revealed the message: “sianid4bukan?